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Walkaway With Appreciation


"Life is crazy right now!" This is a statement I have made multiple times this week. While my intention was not to talk about the virus that seems to be consuming all of our lives, I couldn't manage to ignore it. Since I have a condition that causes me to fall into the group that is more susceptible, one might think I have more fear surrounding this pandemic. Yet, I feel just the opposite! Maybe it's the result of already spending days in fear, which I addressed in this blog post, or the fact the news rarely is played in our home. It could even be the fact that I am an introvert that is being forced into my favorite past time - time alone at home. Regardless, I am grateful to feel as I do, especially as I watch the fear rise in those around me. At the end of the day, I have learned over and over again that God is in control and the best I can do is hand my fears over to him. The quicker I do so, the quicker I find peace in my life. Right now, I am finding comfort in the fact that I am doing the best I can - trying to stay away from others, washing my hands, spending time in His word, being kind and, most importantly, not hoarding all the toilet paper. So my advice is to put down your phone, turn off your tv, open your bible and say a prayer...especially if you feel the fear. Whatever you do, don't sit and suffer! Enjoy this time the best you can and once this time is over, we all will walk away with an appreciation for our mundane lives pre-coronavirus.


Here are some recommendations if you find yourself going a little stir crazy.

1) Read - The books I have read recently include Rhythms of Renewal, Atomic Habits and The Untethered Soul. As for books I haven't read, but are on my list there is To Hell with the Hustle, The Four Agreements, Educated, Chasing Vines and Awareness.

2) Walk, Hike and/or Workout - As the weather allows in Colorado, today we are getting snow, Braden and I have been making sure to walk our dog. In addition, we have been going to the local high school to get a workout in. Braden will run the stadium stairs while I do a circuit around the track. This usually includes running a lap and stopping for a circuit or running the straight aways and stopping for a movement on the turns.

Example: Run 400 meters (one lap or for the duration of one song if a track is not available) + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats + 20 Plank Shoulder Taps. Repeat 3-4 times.

3) Play Board Games/Do Puzzles - Most days Braden and I look like a young couple in our early 30's, but act like an old married couple approaching their 80's. As a result, we are in bed no later than 9pm and own things like Scrabble, Monopoly and puzzles. We have found this time as a perfect opportunity to pull these out instead of having the tv on 24/7. If you live an extroverted life you most likely don't own these foreign objects, but thankfully with the click of a button you can order them on Amazon.

4) Call/FaceTime Loved Ones - In an age that is all about text messaging, take this available time to actually speak to those who matter most.

5) Bake/Cook - While cooking is a common activity in our household, I never manage to make time for baking. Especially with being on a restricted diet for cancer. However, I have taken this time to Pinterest compliant "desserts" and actually bake them instead of pinning them to a board I never reference again.

6) Pinterest Activities - Speaking of Pinterest, start looking for activities on the site. Especially if you have little ones at home! Back in my days as a nanny, Pinterest was my best friend. From coloring pages to at home science projects, there is more than enough to be discovered!

7) When all else fails...Netflix - During this quarantine so many people are talking about how to make the most of this time. In a world filled with comparison, it applies an unneeded pressure to accomplish all the things. Instead of giving way to what others are doing, take a step back and asses what YOU need. If that includes some tv, don't let it be accompanied by guilt. Instead enjoy it! Some of our latest obsessions have been Westworld, Stranger Things and WWII in Colour (bonus you are learning)!

My prayer is you feel a sense of hope and become encased in peace! Never forget, He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).


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